T. +39 02 54123094
F. +39 02 54124344


Unfair competition
PDOs and PGIs
Trade secrets
Online counterfeiting
Advertising & marketing
Life sciences
New plant varieties


Author of commentary of Article 2598 in “Codice Civile Commentato”, III ed., curated by G. Alpa e V. Mariconda, IPSOA, 2013, and commentary of Articles 2, 6, 9, 13, 31, 36, 38, 40, 41, 48, 52 e 240 of Italian IP Code, Articles 56 and 69 of European patent convention, and Article 19 of CE Regulation no. 6/2002 in GALLI-GAMBINO, “Codice commentato della Proprietà Industriale ed Intellettuale”, Torino, 2011; commentary of Articles 6 and 33bis in GALLI (curated by), “Codice della Proprietà Industriale: la riforma 2010” (Torino, 2010).
Dr. Bogni is the author of several articles, such as “Moda e proprietà intellettuale, tra estetica e comunicazione”, in Il Diritto Industriale, 2013, 329 e ss.; “Il design: registrazione e tutela di fatto dei diversi valori delle forme”, in Il Diritto Industriale, 2011, 136 e ss.; “I ‘nuovi’ livelli di tutela della forma dei prodotti, fra comunicazione e innovazione”, in Notiziario dell’Ordine dei Consulenti in materia di Proprietà Industriale, 2008, 6 e ss., written in collaboration with Professor Galli ; “La tutela della forma, fra design non registrato, marchi di fatto e concorrenza sleale”, in Notiziario dell’Ordine dei Consulenti in materia di Proprietà Industriale, 2007, 6 e ss. and “Il marchio automobilistico dei modellini”, in Il Diritto Industriale, 2007, 423 e ss..

Mariangela Bogni’s deep professional experience pertains to all aspects of Intellectual Property and related fields and in particular on patent litigation, with extensive expertise in pharmaceutical field, also in pan-European disputes, and has advised on and dealt with design issues and shape trademarks.

She has been listed among the leading Italians lawyers in the field of Intellectual Property since the 2006 edition of “The Client ‘s Guide” in the “Chamber Global – The World ‘s Leading Lawyers for changing business” and was listed among the leading lawyers in the field of patents since the 2012 edition of “IAM 1000 – the World ‘s Leading patent Practitioners”. Dr. Bogni has been a keynote and regular speaker at several conferences and seminars: “La forza dell’innovazione” (Parma, 2006) , “Forma, design, prodotti” (Parma, 2008) , ” Il futuro della Proprietà Industriale” (Parma, 2010) , “Fashion & IP Law” (Parma, 2012). The conferences were organized by the University of Parma in collaboration with the Union of Parma Industrialists. Others are “La nuova tutela del Made in Italy: Impatto sul sistema produttivo e aspetti critici per le impresa” (Milan, 2010) , “Il nuovo Codice della Proprietà Industriale” (Milan, 2010); “La tutela del ‘Made In’ tra Italia ed Europa” (Milan, 2010), “Pratiche commerciali scorrette e pubblicità ingannevole” (Milan, 2010), “Informazioni segrete” (Milan, 2010), “Le pratiche commerciali scorrette e la pubblicità ingannevole” (Milan, 2011) “Concorrenza parassitaria, look-alike, illeciti degli ex dipendenti: strumenti per la tutela delle imprese” (Milan, 2011), “Brevetti farmaceutici dopo il decreto liberalizzazioni” (Milano, 2012), “Concorrenza parassitaria, look alike ed illeciti sul web” (Milan, 2012) “Novità Antitrust per banche, assicurazioni e finanziarie” (Milano, 2012), “Commercio elettronico e contraffazione web” (Milan, 2013), “Brevetti farmaceutici. Dalla legge Balduzzi al Brevetto Unitario” (Milan, 2013) organized by Paradigm Srl; “IP Summit – Il Plus concorrenziale dei brevetti sul mercato Globale” (Parma, 2013) organized in the context of the “Salone della Proprietà Industriale” by Senaf S.r.l.

She has been a Lecturer on the “Diritto, economia e tecnologie informatiche” LLM’s Course at the University of Camerino (Camerino, May 2005 and June 2006). She has also been a Lecturer on “LLM’s Course in Intellectual Property Law” organized by Just Legal Services – Scuola di formazione legale s.r.l. (Milan, 2005-2013 editions), on the LLM’s Courses “Course of Industrial Property – Patents” and “Course of Industrial Property – Trademarks” (Milan 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 editions) and on the Course “Il nuovo diritto della proprietà industriale” organized by the School of Education IPSOA , Wolter Kluvers Italia Srl (November 2011). She also collaborated on the  “Formazione degli esaminatori brevetti UIBM” Course (Rome, 2011).

In 2020 she has been recognised as one of the “Best 250 Women in IP” worldwide by the prestigious international guide IP Stars by Managing IP.

She has been a Resident Partner of the IP LAW GALLI firm at its Brescia offices since 2006.

Law Degree at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (2000);
PhD in Intellectual Property Law the at the University of Parma (2008).

Partner at the Vanzetti e Associati Law firm (2004 – 2005)

Admission to Court of Milan bar (2004);
Barrister of the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation (2017).

Italian and English

AIPPI – International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property


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20122 – Milano
T. +39 02 54123094
T. +39 02 5511973
F. +39 02 54124344


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25123 – Brescia
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F. +39 030 3756773


Borgo Felino 29
43100 – Parma
T. +39 0521 282210
F. +39 0521 208515


Via Catullo 16
37121 – Verona
T. +39 045 8069239
F. +39 045 595235