Domain names
Trade secrets
Unfair competition
“Tutelabilità autorale del progetto di architettura d’interni tra compiutezza espressiva, creatività e stile personale“, in Il Diritto Industriale, IV, 2021;
“La confezione dei “TicTac” come marchio tridimensionale oltre gli impedimenti della forma tecnicamente necessitata e del valore sostanziale”, in Il Diritto Industriale, V, 2020;
“Sigarette elettroniche, pubblicità online e liceità della ricondivisione dei c.d. user generated contents “vietati”” in Diritto di Internet, I, 2020;
“Uso lecito del marchio altrui e profili autorali nel settore delle esposizioni d’arte: il caso della personale di Banksy al Mudec di Milano“, in Il Diritto Industriale, III, 2019;
Contribution to the Italian chapter in “Internet: Laws and Regulatory Regimes“, II ed., Juris Publishing Inc., 2017.
Michele Papa provides consultancy and litigation services in the field of trademarks, designs, copyright and related rights, patents, domain names, trade secrets and unfair competition, with particular regard to issues relating to industrial design, automotive, fashion and art industries.
He is a teaching fellow in Intellectual Property Law at the University of Parma and collaborates with the law reviews Il Diritto Industriale and Diritto di Internet. He is also a member of the Designs Standing Committee of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI). In 2022, 2023 and 2024 he has been recognized as “Rising star” by international review magazine Managing IP (IP STARS).
He joined the IP LAW GALLI firm in March 2018.
Law Degree summa cum laude at the University of Brescia (2014);
CopyrightX at the Harvard Law School (2020);
PatentX at the Harvard Law School (2023).
Internship at Court of Brescia, civil section no. III (November 2012 – April 2013);
Traineeship and subsequent collaboration at the Martini Manna Avvocati firm (November 2014 – February 2018).
Admission to Court of Milan bar (2019)
Italian and English
AIPPI – International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
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F. +39 045 595235
Via Lamarmora 40
20122 – Milano
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F. +39 02 54124344
E. galli.mi@iplawgalli.it
Viale Venezia 44
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T. +39 030 3756773
F. +39 030 3756773
E. galli.bs@iplawgalli.it
Borgo Felino 29
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T. +39 0521 282210
F. +39 0521 208515
E. galli.pr@iplawgalli.it
Via Catullo 16
37121 – Verona
T. +39 045 8069239
F. +39 045 595235
E. galli.vr@iplawgalli.com