Unfair competition
PDOs and PGIs
Trade secrets
Online counterfeiting
Advertising & marketing
Life sciences
New plant varieties
“Codice Civile Commentato”, curated by G. Alpa e V. Mariconda, IPSOA, 2013 – Professor Galli supervised the section including the articles about industrial and intellectual property and competition; “Codice commentato della propria industriale e intellettuale”, Torino, UTET-Wolters Kluwer, 2011, in collaboration with Professor Gambino; “Guida alle garanzie sui diritti di proprietà industriale e intellettuale”, Bologna, Filodiritto Editore, 2011 – editor and author of an essay; “Codice della Proprietà Industriale: la riforma 2010”, Milano, IPSOA Wolters Kluwer, 2010; “Le nuove frontiere del diritto dei brevetti”, Torino, Giappichelli, 2003 – editor and author of an essay; “Il futuro dei marchi e le sfide della globalizzazione”, Padova, CEDAM, 2002 – editor and author of an essay; “I domain names nella giurisprudenza, Milano”, Giuffré, 2001; “La nuova legge marchi²”, Milano, Giuffré, 2001, in collaboration with Professor Vanzetti; “Funzione del marchio e ampiezza della tutela”, Milano, Giuffré, 1996; “Il diritto transitorio dei marchi”, Milano, Giuffré, 1994.
Cesare Galli is a lawyer and Chair of Intellectual Property Law at the University of Parma. Since 2002 he has been listed in international specialized guides as one of the leading Italian experts in the protection of intellectual property.
His professional experience includes important litigation, both in Italy and abroad, relating to all aspects of Intellectual Property Law, in particular trademarks, domain names, patents, designs, PDOs and PGIs. He has often handled international and cross-border matters.
He has advised and assisted clients in the most important IP Italian cases in the last 25 years. In 1999 he obtained the first Italian ruling in the field of biotech patents, in 2004 the first Italian ruling on the validity of a computer implemented invention patent, and between 2005 and 2022 some of the most innovative and progressive measures for the protection of trade secrets and well-known trademarks in particular against look-alikes, including a ruling of the European Court of Justice, which forced the Italian Government to protect the industrial design works more effectively. He is the author of an impressive number of publications on all aspects of intellectual property. He has edited the largest commentary (4000 pages) on all national and Community IP Law provisions (GALLI-GAMBINO, “Codice Commentato della Proprietà Industriale e Intellettuale”, Torino, UTET-Wolters Kluwer, 2011). Since 2004, he has been a member of the group of experts appointed by the Italian Parliament and Government to draft the reform of IP Law, which includes the implementation in Italy of Community Directive no. 2004/48/EC and the 2010 reform of the Italian IP Code. He is currently the Legal Expert of CNAC – National Council on Anti-Counterfeit, a member of the European Counterfeiting and Piracy Observatory launched within DG Markt of the European Commission, and he also works on a permanent basis with INDICAM, Confindustria, AIPPI and AmCham on IP issues.
Law Degree summa cum laude at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (1985);
PhD in Intellectual Property Law at the University of Ferrara (1995);
Associate Professor in Intellectual Property Law at the University of Parma (1998);
Full Professor in Intellectual Property at the University of Parma (2000).
Resident Partner at Vanzetti e Associati Law firm (1986 – 2003)
Admission to the bar (1989);
Barrister of the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation (2001).
Italian and English
INDICAM – Associazione Italiana per la Lotta alla Contraffazione;
AIPPI – International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property;
LES – licensing executives society;
AmCham – American Chamber Of Commerce in Italy.
Via Lamarmora 40
20122 – Milano
T. +39 02 54123094
T. +39 02 5511973
F. +39 02 54124344
E. galli.mi@iplawgalli.it
Viale Venezia 44
25123 – Brescia
T. +39 030 3756773
F. +39 030 3756773
E. galli.bs@iplawgalli.it
Borgo Felino 29
43100 – Parma
T. +39 0521 282210
F. +39 0521 208515
E. galli.pr@iplawgalli.it
Via Catullo 16
37121 – Verona
T. +39 045 8069239
F. +39 045 595235
E. galli.vr@iplawgalli.com