IP LAW GALLI provides specialized assistance, both in court (and arbitration) and out-of-court, to Italian and international clients in relation to every aspect of industrial and intellectual property law, distinguishing itself as a practice of excellence in the field of the protection, improvement and management of inventions, distinctive signs and copyrighted works. This personalized assistance is offered not only within national borders but also on a global level. Indeed, the firm has, for many years, availed itself of and fruitfully collaborated with a select network of international professionals.

More specifically, it has many years of experience in litigation, including cross-border litigation, and in consultancy in relation to patents (particularly in the pharmaceutical, biomedical, IT and automotive industries), trademarks (particularly in the fashion and luxury, food & beverage and sports sectors), designs and models (particularly in the high-end furniture, packaging and fashion sectors), trade secrets, appellations of origin and geographical indications, made in, copyright and related rights (including software and databases), domain names and new plant varieties.

The firm also handles with the negotiation and drafting of contracts, drafts opinions, performs due diligence on all types of IP rights and manages and coordinates customs monitoring programs, useful for the purposes of ensuring that clients have the most effective possible protection possible for their IP portfolio.

The firm is also able to offer its clients prosecution services (registration of trademarks and patents at all competent offices, both national and International, as well as assistance in any administrative procedures before these offices), where necessary using external professionals with proven experience.


Professor Galli and the professionals of the firm have, over the years, obtained numerous landmark decisions, such as the first Italian decision on the merits regarding biotechnological patents, the first acknowledgment of the validity of a patent relating to a computer implemented invention, innovative measures to protect trade secrets and trademarks and repress look-alikes, the well-known decision of the European Court of Justice which obliged the Italian Government to protect an industrial design more effectively, as well as decisions which recognised protection as a trademark for a specific colour and the validity of selective distribution systems against a leading multinational in the e-commerce sector.