Italy implements EC Directive 2004/48 (the so-called «Enforcement Directive») – More effective measures in the fight against infringement
Revision of the IP Code: to be discussed in the next legislature
Italy implements EC Directive 98/44 on the protection of biotech inventions
Further strengthening of administrative sanctions for those purchasing non-original goods
The shape of a good may be protected against an identical copy even should it not be registered as a trade mark or model (Court of Milan, 17 January 2006) – The text of the decree and the petition
Trade marks, designs, newspaper titles, domain names: a year of case law (September 2004-September 2005) – The summary of an article by Professor Cesare Galli published in AIDA
Professor Cesare Galli’s activity on the Experts Commission set up at the Ministry of Productive Activities for revision of the IP Code and implementation of the «Enforcement Directive»
The Chambers Guide «The World’s Leading Lawyers for Business» once more includes our firm amongst Italy’s leading IP legal practices
Mariangela Bogni becomes a new partner in the firm
The review Top Legal indicates our Brescia branch office as one of the «excellent» legal practices in the Province
Recent IP rulings obtained by our firm (Trade marks: Protection of trade marks having a reputation against tarinishing; Seizure of infringing goods and the order to withdraw them from the market; Trade marks having a reputation and lapse due to non-use; Protection of non-registered marks; Conflict between initials – Patents: Stay of compensation proceedings pending a final decision on the existence of infringement; Description at a trade fair – Trade secrets: Description during evidence gathering proceedings for assessment of compensation– Designs and models: slavish copies – Competition: Actual confusion and urgency; Competition of former employees)
INDICAM commissions a pro veritate report from Professor Galli on the protection of industrial designs
Our latest publications and meetings
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