NewsLetter 01_2007


The Italian Constitutional Court cancels the company procedure from IP cases
Industrial design: 70 year copyright protection – but only for works subsequent to 2001. The restriction, however, appears to be unconstitutional
Patent duties in Italy: implementation decree issued
Protection of Made in Italy: new provisions under examination in Parliament


Publicly claiming that a Court finding of infringement has been issued when, in actual fact, a description has simply been ordered is an act of unfair competition (Court of Venice, interim order 21 March 2007) – The text of the order and the petition

Protection against parasitism in the «new» Code of Industrial Property – An article by Professor Cesare Galli soon to be published in Quaderni di AIDA

The work of Professor Cesare Galli on the Technical Committee of the Italian Government High Commissioner for the Fight against Infringement
Following the «The World’s Leading Lawyers for Business» Chambers Guide and the «Which Lawyer? » Guide, the «Legal 500» Guide has also placed Professor Cesare Galli and our Firm among the leaders in Italy in the IP field. A Top Legal survey has also placed our Firm among the first six Italian legal firms in the IP field.
A new Associate joins the team in the Milan offices of our firm
The review Top Legal places our Verona offices among the «excellent» firms in the legal profession in the Veronese area
Recent IP decisions obtained by our firm (Trade Marks: Protection of trade marks with a reputation against tarnishing – Patents: infringement of a European patent before its formal issue; description also extended to accounts; similarity of object between pending cases – Designs and models: seizure extended to accounts; seizure of infringing safes – Competition: Limits on the diffusion of information relating to judicial proceedings; slavish imitation and compensation)
Husqvarna chooses our Firm to coordinate the defence of its trade mark in Italy.
Our latest publications and conferences

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